DE-MI PROMET doo is a private company founded in 1996. Company and warehouse management are located in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The company has been a leader in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina for more than 24 years and successfully meets market demands by offering its customers the widest range of products. Today, we are the leading company in the region with a team of 180 people.

The main activity of DE-MI Promet doo is the distribution of spare parts for passenger cars of renowned European car manufacturers.

DE-MI Promet is the only company in the region that offers its range of mechanical, body parts, oil and lubricants and tools, which gives us the ability to respond to market demands and offer our customers the widest range of products.

The professional team of DE-MI PROMET is dedicated to providing the market with the highest quality spare parts for passenger vehicles in order to improve the traffic safety and longevity of the vehicle.

The mission of our company is to provide the highest standards of quality in the distribution of spare auto parts and to provide customers with the highest value for the money invested. By continental tracking of the market, through the network of branch offices and the direct purchase of parts from world-renowned automotive manufacturers, we move the figures from a wide range of products every day.

Our vision is to be a synonym for a company that sets more standards on a daily basis, creates new trends and in time meets the wishes and the most demanding customers.

Our goal is to move the boundaries to better connect the most famous European and world end-of-life automotive parts manufacturers looking for quality at affordable prices and a quick response to their requirements.

With the sale of several million spare parts in the last ten years, DE-MI Promet doo is not only highly valued, but also the largest company of this type in the region. DE-MI Promet is synonymous with financial reliability and stability. And that’s best known to everyone who worked with DE-MI Promet.
Preserving relationships with buyers and suppliers, as well as improving them is a prerequisite for continuous quality improvement in meeting market needs and successful growth and development of the company in the future.